season 4 episode 3 with

Gary Knell
National Geographic Partners

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Lions, Tigers, Unbiased Journalism, Oh My: A Conversation with National Geographic Partners Chairman Gary Knell

This conversation with Gary Knell, Chairman of National Geographic Partners, is way better than Tiger King, really. Gary joins Aaron to discuss how the company is continuing to live up to its standard of excellence through strong and unbiased journalism, the balance of giving people what they want versus need, and the incredible photographers that make National Geographic what it is. Gary and Aaron also highlight how readers look to National Geographic for context, rather than just breaking news, and why that’s so important in today’s news environment. To that end, National Geographic launched NatGeo@Home, a free digital hub that includes educational resources and offerings for future explorers to fill their time and minds during the coronavirus pandemic. Tune in to learn about how the creative and talented people of National Geographic inspire Gary daily, and learn more at

Production Credits: Aaron Kwittken, Jeff Maldonado, Dara Cothran, Lindsay Hand, Katrina Waelchli, Meg Ruocco, Julia Brougher, Parker Jenkins, and Mathew Passy