Season 8 Episode 18

Lisa Lutoff-Perlo from Celebrity Cruises

Running a Tight Ship through Purposeful Leadership with President & CEO of Celebrity Cruises Lisa Lutoff-Perlo

President and CEO of Celebrity Cruises Lisa Lutoff-Perlo talks about her path in the cruising industry and Celebrity Cruises’ commitment to social justice, sustainability, and inclusivity. Lisa shares how running a cruise ship is like running a micro-city, with people from all around the world coming together to enjoy the experience. Because of this, she finds it extremely important to emphasize the company’s values across everything from sustainable business practices, prioritizing women in leadership, and working with partners that she respects. Tune in to hear Aaron and Lisa talk through how Celebrity Cruises has changed throughout Lisa’s career and her efforts to stop people from saying that cruising isn’t for them. Learn more and book a cruise at

Air Date: September 6, 2022

Production Credits: Aaron Kwittken, Haley Sacotte, Danny Ziolkowski, Maria Bayas, Michael Grubbs, Anna Lamm and Mathew Passy